Sunday, March 21, 2010

I'm so confused.

I miss her, I really really do. No matter how much I was hurt and what happened I friggen' miss her.
There is a photo of us in a frame on my desk, I can't stand to replace it. It still sits there watching over me, reminding me how happy we USE to be. Lame lame lame lame lame.


To Hartwyn:
I really need to say thankyou, these past two weeks have actually been soo fun! I'm going against what my friends use to say and just doing what I want to do. And it's mostly thanks to you. :D

I love you babe!

oh and.
I talked to a second year girl today, and she gave me some REALLY good advice. :) I'm glad that some people are finally noticing my talents and skills. I'm a really good student, and No one sees it ! :C

lame lame lame.

Anyways off to Prost like always <3 :)

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