Monday, March 15, 2010

And I can feel all these emotions swimming, emerging

I'm falling,
Constantly falling.
I reach out for you but you're not there.
You've gone, moved on and forgotten about me.
I'll remain falling until someone comes to save me, to pull me back to reality.


This blog will remain a secret :) Only 2 people are going to be told about it, and if others stumble across it then so be it.


For those of you reading this that don't know me, My name is Robin and lately I quit life?
I wish that was an option.

There is a few things I'd like to add to life, a few being:
-Backspace/Delete key
-Game Over Button

I've done some spring cleaning in my life, Pushing the old out and opening up the windows letting the fresh clean air in!
Jason and Hartwyn,
Thankyou! :3

Daily post will be here soon, Just need ideas first.

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