Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Alice In Wonderland

Saw it today with Jason in 3D, despite the annoying child sitting beside me who; Fell asleep, began snoring(rather loudly), basically shit her pants and then proceeded to talk through the rest of the movie. I really enjoyed it, at first the 3D made me feel kinda sick :C, and it really got on my nerves; when I'm watching a movie I like to look around at the background and other things, but 3D movies force your eyes to focus on certain things- annoying!

But any-who the movie really inspired me, as I was watching the colours, the movements the scenes, everything was creating thousands of ideas for paintings and poetry in my head! It was incredible, its like the painters block I've had for months just broke like a dam and all the ideas came flooding forward! Most amazing feeling in the world.

I also made an investment today, $282.49 on a pair of headphones. I could hear my VISA crying in pain as I paid for it. Totally worth it though. I've been having ear-gasims for hours! They are like heaven.

Been spending lots of Time with Wyn. :3 When we hangout, doesn't matter what we are doing my mind goes blank, everything disappears. Driving, listening to music. Sneaking into Prost to see him or hanging out in the Pro shop. It doesn't matter what it is, I love it. :)

Oh, Dina, Tiff, Wyn, Jason and Amanda thank you all so much. C:

Off to do some homework then gone to dream land!


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