Monday, March 29, 2010

I'm sitting here in the SA

and my mind is running a million miles a minute. I have a test in 32 minutes and I can't bring myself to study for it. The stress that overwhelms my body right now is taking over. I'm not sure where to start, what to do, to relieve myself from all of this. I find myself clingy to the last few people around me that don't irritate the fuck out of me.

Yesterday, I was sitting doing some homework and I realized how much I miss Sarah, like actually legit miss her! Before all this crap went down with everyone stabbing each other in the back and disrespecting everyone Sarah and I had gotten really close. We share a lot of common interests and she's always there for me. Even though a few events took place where she betrayed my trust I still find myself trusting Sarah more than anyone. When being confronted by me with questions she was actually honest. She told me the truth no matter how much it would hurt me and that I'm so proud of. In the end telling the truth made it so much better than it would have if she had lied to me. I guess my mom was right, telling the truth is always the best option.

I sat with her in the cafe today, and we both got pretty teary over the subject. It's nice to know that she misses me, as much as I miss her. I know this summer is going to be very busy for both of us, but I hope we can both make time for each other and keep this friendship building and growing.

Which reminds me, I've met a lot of new people this year and there is 4 that stick in my mind that I'm very glad to have met. Sarah being the number one! Jason is also another person I've been missing like crazy. Jason and I share the creative artsy vibe I've been searching for in a friend for a really long time. It actually makes me so happy that I have someone to share that with. No one else stays up with me at night helping me make ads for hair products, which Jason we got a 9/10 on. :)

The next is someone who I met previously but got a lot closer to as the year went on, Hartwyn. I've written about him before so there isn't much to say but he has defiantly made this stressful time a lot easier on myself. We go bowling and watch movies and take naps and just keep my mind busy so I don't have to stress over all this crap all the time. My mind works in a strange way, I stress over everything, every little detail must be executed perfectly or I stress until it is solved. That drives my friends nuts and I know that. I try to hide it, I bottle it up inside which just leads to me, hurting myself.

The last person is Robin, when I hang out with Robin I get this overwhelming sense that he cares. Like when you start to tell a story and then people get side-tracked from you, he ALWAYS listens to the very end. It's a nice feeling. I Miss him too :C

First time I've written in my blog for a long time, lots to talk about. However- Class calls and so does work -___-

I think I might blog again when I get home. I missed it!

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