Thursday, April 15, 2010

If I was a raindrop you'd be my thunderstorm, its cold so surround me with rain clouds to keep me warm.

I really don't understand why people feel the need to be such assholes to each other. They pretend everything is sunshine and rainbows, then the second you turn away they bash you and rip you to shreds. DO NOT UNDERSTAND.

And when someone is in a situation, which effects their schooling. We all understand, but seriously? when you are so greatly fucked over you get a little upset and just stop caring.

If you are having family problems and drop the program for personal reasons, that is YOUR choice. Not anyone elses' and that is not what I'm arguing. However, it does not take very much energy for you to send a little text or Facebook message just informing your group that you've fucked off and won't be there to help them through these major assignments. -_______-

School ends in a week. For fuck sakes i CANNOT wait. I hate all these dummies i've been stuck with.

and I got a new Hamster! SOO cute. :D

Toronto Saturday with my bf :) <3

Hartwyn Urbanski, I love you.